World Channels Day is celebrated once every year to bring and spread more Light collectively on our earth, to bring more Peace, Love and harmony, to help us take a big leap towards the New Age.
Lakhs of school children and teachers and many others channel Light silently from their own schools, places of living or work to celebrate this great but silent event.
It is celebrated towards the end of January or beginning of February every year to offer this collective effort to the Great Master Maharshi Amara on his birth anniversary, who not only dreamt of the New Age of Peace, Love and Harmony but also showed us the way to reach there.
Please join us in this celebration from your own places by channelling Light for a minimum period of 7 minutes at any convenient time. While channelling, be aware that millions are channelling Light in different parts of the world on this day. When so many people channel Light simultaneously, the impact will be bigger.
And let this be the beginning. Please continue channelling Light everyday in the morning when you wake up and also at night before you sleep, to continue this process of bringing and spreading more Light and to strengthen this Movement towards the New Age.
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